A downloadable game for Windows

This is a game about an astronaut named Gerald luckman that is out of fuel in the middle of space far away from earth so he has to emergency land on an unknown planet to get more fuel. He finds out that there is a magic blue crystal that could be broken down into fuel so you need to go take it and bring it back to the ship but some strange things happen when you pick it up you will see for yourself.

 If you fall from the planet into one of its many caves or if you touch an alien you would die but for some reason the crystal  wont let that happen and always take's you back in time to the start of your adventure.

The controls you need to use to play are A to go left, D to go right, SPACE to jump.

This is a work in progress so I'm planning to add more things if I have the motivation and this is made on Game Maker 8 an old software as a school project so its not that good. I made the music myself (its my first time) and i stole most of the assets off of google.

Updated 14 days ago
Published 23 days ago
Tags2D, GameMaker, Indie, Pixel Art, Side Scroller, Singleplayer, Space, Sprites


NO GAS IN SPACE 0.1.1.exe 6.6 MB

Install instructions

When you try to start the game it gives you an security mesage i dont know how to take this off so if you wana play you need to click on more information and run anyway.

Development log

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